You good???
I am extra specially happy today as yesterday me and my cousin booked our flights to go to New York in October - Woop Woop! (Let me know of any cool places to shop or eat!). I loooooove The Big Apple I was last there in January for my 25th birthday and I'm already going back! :-)
So today I'm sharing what kit I use to contour.....Sleek Contour Kit of course!!!
Contour - subtle but strong or nah? |
Contouring is used to add a 'shadow' to where we want to appear thinner and more defined...hollows of our cheeks - this makes our face appear more thinner, contour the jaw line - this can make our jaw and neck appear more chizzled and help blur any double chin we have (I have it and hate it urgh!) We can also contour the sides of our nose to make it appear smaller.
Some people even contour their collarbone to make it stand out personally, I don't do all of that, I do not have the time girl, I just do a lil cheek contour sometimes jaw and nose and I'm done.
Also, I'm not a fan of those mega dark and hard contours on me, I just like it strong but subtle (if ya get me?) - but if you like yours more dark and hard...then girl do you I'm not here to judge ;-). Careful though, only go 2 to 3 shades darker than your skin tone otherwise it will just make you look like you have dirt on your face, and we are NOT going for that look! No sir!
What I use...
Sleek Face Contour Kit 'Medium' |
Left - Contour Powder, Middle - Shimmer highlight, Right - Shimmer bronzer |
Real Techniques 'Expert Face Brush' |
Leave a comment of any tips or tricks you would like to share.
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