Sunday, 21 September 2014

Natural Hair Care - Homemade Leave-In Conditioner

Hi guys!

Yesterday I made my own homemade leave-in conditioner and I thought I would share how I made it with you all...

Let's go from left to right...

First on the left is 100% pure natural Shea Butter, I got this in New York in January and have soooo much left! - Shea Butter is a natural hair growth stimulant, it softens the hair, protects from UV rays from the sun, conditions dry or brittle hair....the properties are endless!

Second is my 100% organic natural Castor Oil - it thickens hair, increases hair growth, reduces hair damage and eliminates dry hair.

Third is Natural, Organic, Unrefined, Virgin Coconut Oil by the brand Biona - which will moisturise the hair due to its vitamin E content, and being rich in Lauric and Capric acids...and it smells so good :-)

Then last is what all my natural sista's know about...I hope! It's the Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream...I started using this when I was transitioning and it was really good, it's just not rich enough to tame my wild curly mane anymore.

Now here's how I make the leave in...

Step 1 - Take 2 tablespoons of the Shea Butter and 1 tablespoon of the Coconut Oil and put this into the microwave until it softens and starts to melt (as you know Shea Butter and Coconut Oil turn to solid when they drop below a certain temperature right?)

Step 2 - Once softened add the 2 oils to a blender, then add 4 tablespoons of the Cantu Leave in (or whichever leave in you prefer) to the blender and blend on high for 1 minute.

Step 3 - Add 3 tablespoons of Castor Oil and blend on high for a few minutes. You want to blend these ingredients for a good few minutes to ensure they are smooth and properly combined, the consistency should be like yogurt.

As you can see, my leave-in is smooth and no ingredients are separate, once the oils have reached room temperature again it makes the leave-in a thick whipped texture which is devine!

And that's it! You're done ;-) its super simple and easy to make! I stored mine in a tub I had already and it was good to go.

Follow me on social media and let me know how you like the leave in.

Until next time...Mwah! x