Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Money Saving Tips - 5 Simple Tips to Save Money!

Hey Guys,

A bit of a different post today but I think it will be really beneficial to some of you! Especially if one of your New Year resolutions is to save money!

Whether you are saving for a rainy day, those new Ray Ban's, a new car, or even to buy a house. I have put together 5 simple money saving tips, they seem obvious but a lot of us (including me) need constant reminders that tips only work if we actually implement them!

Defo enjoy life how best you want, we all work hard and deserve to spoil ourselves, but lets do it within our individual budgets okay?

Here goes...

Tip number 1.
Just say NO! - I know of so many people who live outside of their means just to impress...this is a NO FLEX ZONE! Please move along with that behaviour! If you are invited out clubbing, for drinks, on holiday or a shopping spree and you know you cant really afford it, just say no, its not the end of the world!

Tip Number 2.
Make a budget - I cant stress enough how important and beneficial making a budget and sticking to it is, if you know exactly what is coming in and exactly what is going out, you can then make a plan with the funds that may be left over after paying bills (and after adding some to your savings of course!).

Tip Number 3.
eBay! - I love eBay! Try and keep everything you have in good condition, that way when you no longer want it or its no longer any use to you, you can package it up and sell it to someone who will make use of it, and pay you money for it! I constantly go through my clothes and anything I haven't worn in the last 6 months goes on eBay. It can really add up to quite a lot of money and then you can add that money to your savings, on new clothes or even a holiday!

Tip Number 4.
Bring packed lunch to work - This is the one that I am so guilty of not doing enough of! Buying lunch for work out everyday really does add up, it is super expensive (especially in Central London where I work!). One of my New Years resolutions is to bring lunch from home at least 3 days a week, who's joining me with this one? I'm going to put the amount I would normally spend on lunch in a tin and at the end of the month I will add half that money into my savings and the other half on something pretty from ASOS.com haha! ;-)

Tip Number 5.
Check your bank balance! - Before you make that online purchase, before you pay that deposit for that holiday, before you go out to that club...Check your bank balance, if you are not happy with what you see then JUST SAY NO!

I really hope these simple tips will be helpful, let me know on Twitter which ones you will be using! 
